February 2025
Millennials and Generation Z are already focused on retirement, and 30% of them are setting their sights on becoming millionaires to achieve their goals. What this means for you and other charitable organizations is that it’s likely a smart move to expand your planned giving outreach strategies to include younger donors, as well as the traditional audience of generations who are retired or approaching retirement. Indeed, many of your younger donors are increasingly becoming investment savvy and will understand the value of planning ahead. Because younger generations are often motivated to give online and inspired by social media, your planned giving strategies should be tailored accordingly. Many planned giving techniques are complex, which is understandable considering the various legal and tax considerations that factor into structuring a bequest, charitable remainder trust, or beneficiary designation of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. Try to do whatever you can, though, to keep your language and promotional materials simple to match the preferences of this audience and the channels where they receive information. For example:
As always, please reach out to the team at the Community Foundation. We are here to help you grow your endowment and reserve funds in whatever way we can to keep your mission strong and thriving for generations to come in our community. Comments are closed.