January 2025
Philanthropy professionals have long recognized the importance of emotional engagement in fundraising, particularly during annual campaigns or initiatives focused on immediate donations. Indeed, recent research underscores the critical role of emotional intelligence in successful fundraising.
When it comes to charitable gift planning, however, such as helping a donor structure a legacy endowment gift, it’s tempting to approach the process as a primarily rational exercise. This is understandable given the complex tax and legal considerations involved in structuring various giving vehicles such as trusts, bequests, foundations, donor-advised funds, and beneficiary designations. Of course, it is crucial to address technical aspects to ensure donors' charitable intentions are fulfilled with tax benefits and financial goals in mind. At the same time, you’ll want to be sure that the emotional dimension of charitable gift planning isn’t overlooked. Legacy giving offers psychological benefits. Endowment gifts, in particular, can offer donors a sense of immortality and a way to perpetuate their values beyond their lifetime. No doubt you’ve watched this in action as you’ve helped donors structure legacy gifts to your endowment fund at the Community Foundation, and perhaps you've even played a role in facilitating a donor’s unique emotional and reflective process when considering such a gift. Encourage your donors to consider the benefits of a legacy gift:
To maximize success in legacy fundraising, nonprofit organizations should strive to engage both the hearts and minds of your donors. Consider sharing inspiring stories and testimonials that illustrate the long-term impact of legacy gifts. To further build an emotional connection, you might even offer the donor exclusive events or site visits to help donors visualize the future impact of their gifts. On the rational side of the equation, you’ll find that working with the Community Foundation team helps you provide clear information about the tax and legal aspects of various giving vehicles. Our team can also help you address concerns about administrative complexities and provide support throughout the giving process. Please reach out anytime to the team at the Community Foundation to help you implement a balanced approach to tap into donors' emotional desires to make meaningful, lasting gifts while also ensuring that all technical aspects are properly addressed. We are here to help you develop more meaningful connections and ultimately achieve greater success in securing endowment and legacy gifts to keep your mission strong for generations to come. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. We all know that the new year and a new administration brings lots of potential change. So what is going on that you need to know about to serve your charitable clients?
At the top of the list of issues we’re watching is what might happen with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. As a quick refresher, the TCJA introduced several changes that significantly impacted charitable giving in the United States. These changes are set to expire at the end of 2025, and their potential extension factors into charitable planning techniques. You’ll no doubt recall that the TCJA lowered individual income tax rates across the board, which in turn decreased the tax savings for each dollar donated, making charitable contributions slightly less attractive from a tax perspective. What’s more, TCJA provisions nearly doubled the standard deduction. (In 2025, the standard deduction is $15,000 for single filers and $30,000 for a married couple filing jointly.) This increase led to a dramatic reduction in the number of taxpayers who itemized their deductions. As a result, fewer taxpayers could claim charitable deductions, potentially discouraging giving among those who previously itemized. Indeed, research estimated that U.S. charitable giving fell by about $20 billion in 2018, the first year the TCJA was in effect. In addition, the TCJA roughly doubled the estate tax exemption, which has reached $13.99 million per person for 2025. The higher exemption has diluted purely tax-driven motivations for charitable giving among your wealthy clients. With fewer estates subject to tax, many advisors are working with a smaller pool of clients for whom charitable bequests are a useful technique for reducing taxable estates. Naturally, tax policy plays a role in your clients’ charitable giving behaviors, and certainly the giving behaviors following TCJA reflected tax policy’s influence. Nevertheless, studies have shown that most donors are motivated by factors other than saving taxes. Reasons for giving include a sense of duty to give back to society, a desire to tackle inequality, personal passion for specific charitable causes, religious beliefs, and dedication to supporting those less fortunate. Your clients who give to charity benefit emotionally from their gifts, and of course they like knowing that they are helping others and strengthening community ties. While tax benefits certainly are part of a client’s decision-making process, they’re likely a secondary consideration rather than the primary reason for giving. Indeed, even with tax benefits, your client will always end up with less money after making a charitable contribution, signaling that financial gain is not the main driver of philanthropy. Keep this in mind as tax developments unfold. Despite the many unknowns, what we do know is that something will happen in 2025 that influences charitable planning. Although TJCA provisions are set to expire at the end of 2025, it’s too soon to determine exactly how you should advise your clients about their charitable planning strategies. Note three potential outcomes of tax policy developments this year:
Of course, we’ll keep you posted! The team at the Community Foundation is here to help you structure charitable plans to empower clients to achieve their philanthropic goals, with or without a tax deduction. The team at the Community Foundation is honored to serve as a resource and sounding board as you build your charitable plans and pursue your philanthropic objectives for making a difference in the community. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Please consult your tax or legal advisor to learn how this information might apply to your own situation. As you implement strategies to attract gifts to your endowment fund at the Community Foundation, it’s critical to regularly encourage donors to check their estate plans to be sure they’ve incorporated their intended bequests. Now is an especially good time to get the word out because August is national Make-A-Will Month.
Here are three cut-and-paste messages you can use in your communications with donors, whether those are broad communications such as website pages or one-on-one emails to particular donors.
As always, please reach out to the team at the Community Foundation! We are here to help you build your endowment fund. We appreciate the opportunity to work with organizations like yours that are making such a big difference in the quality of life in our community. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. We’re hearing from more and more attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors that your clients are expressing interest in giving real estate to charity. This is wonderful news!
You’re certainly aware that gifts of real estate to a fund at the Community Foundation, just like gifts of other long-term capital assets, can be extremely tax-efficient. That’s because your client is typically eligible for a charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the property. Because the Community Foundation is a public charity, when it sells the donated property, the proceeds will flow into the fund free from capital gains tax. To achieve the best tax outcome and overall charitable result, though, it’s critical to undertake a careful process along the general lines of the following (depending of course on the specific situation):
Whew! That’s a lot! The bottom line here is that gifts of real estate can be a wonderful tool for both your client and the charities they want to support through their fund at the Community Foundation. Our team can help you through the process, every step of the way, to ensure that your client’s real estate gift is handled without a hitch, opening the door to bring their charitable goals to life. The team at the Community Foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. How much is too much? That’s a question many parents ask as they structure lifetime gifts and bequests to children in their financial and estate plans. Wealthy clients are sometimes concerned that leaving millions of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands, to their children could backfire and hinder their kids’ ability and motivation to achieve financial independence.
In addition to concerns about fostering entitlement and dependency, many parents are concerned that their children will miss out on the satisfaction of knowing they built wealth on their own. These parents believe that the challenges and struggles along the way will ultimately enrich their children’s lives with intangible benefits that are far greater than the obvious benefits that come with gifts or an inheritance of significant financial resources. As you work with clients who feel this way, please reach out to the Community Foundation. Every day, our team works with families who are in this exact situation. We’ll help you evaluate strategies such as:
Many clients are attracted to this type of structure because not only could it avoid estate tax, but it also allows their children to stay involved with all of the family’s wealth, work together and keep sibling bonds strong, and get involved in the community. Please reach out to the Community Foundation team anytime. We look forward to exploring strategies to help your clients meet their financial and tax goals, as well as honor their wishes for children to live happy and productive lives. The team at the Community Foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. August is national Make-A-Will month and a great time to check in on key components of your estate plan. The reality, as we know, is that all property remaining at death has to go somewhere. And as heartbreaking as it may be for parents of grown children, it’s usually a mistake to assume that you should automatically leave the family home to children in your will or trust. Indeed, your children may not be nearly as attached to your things as you are, and the reality is that they may not want any of them–including the house.
But don’t let this get you down. When one door closes, another door opens. It may be time to explore giving your personal residence to charity. The Community Foundation can help! Reach out anytime to discuss the possibilities with the Community Foundation team. As we begin the conversation, we’ll evaluate which type of gift format might be a good fit for your situation. For example:
If you’re interested in giving your residence to your fund at the Community Foundation, our team will work closely with you and your advisors to carefully evaluate the opportunities and walk through all of the steps in the process. For example, it’s important to look at factors such as valuation (which must be documented with a qualified appraisal), whether there’s a mortgage on the property that would make a gift more challenging, how long you’ve held the property and your cost basis, and ensuring that a sale is not already formally or informally in the works. You’ve spent years making your house a home. We look forward to exploring the possibilities for extending the joy your personal residence brings to you and your family by transforming the property into a source for community benefit. The team at the Community Foundation is honored to serve as a resource and sounding board as you build your charitable plans and pursue your philanthropic objectives for making a difference in the community. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Please consult your tax or legal advisor to learn how this information might apply to your own situation. By the time summer rolls around, reflecting on what happened last year may feel like cognitive whiplash. That’s not the case, though, with the statistics from the annual Giving USA report that are released every June for the prior year. The team at the Community Foundation reviews the findings closely so that we can identify trends and strategies that could help you and other nonprofits strengthen fundraising and stewardship practices and build financial resources to support the community for generations to come.
You’re likely aware that the recently-released Giving USA report for 2023 reveals that while charitable giving in the U.S. increased to $557.16 billion, the increase failed to keep pace with inflation. When adjusted for inflation, total giving declined by 2.1% year-over-year. While the news is disappointing in some ways, it actually presents a terrific opportunity to communicate a positive set of messages to your donors. Here’s an example of a four-point messaging platform that might be a fit for your outreach strategy:
As always, please reach out to the Community Foundation for ideas and strategies. We are here to help you build your reserves and endowment funds. It’s our honor to support your work to improve the quality of life for so many people in our region. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. It’s common practice for fundraisers and other philanthropy professionals to use the term “planned giving,” but do your donors know what you mean? Certainly, some donors understand the term, especially those who’ve served on your board or who’ve worked with you to establish a bequest. But many donors – and especially prospective donors – could benefit from an explanation that avoids the confusion of industry jargon.
To that end, in your fundraising communications, you might consider providing background to help orient your donors to the purpose of planned giving before you dive into defining it or describing it. For example:
Clear, concise, and simple communication with donors will help your fundraising efforts. Indeed, a new study sheds light on the elements of communication that can help increase donor trust, including emphasizing good stewardship and solid decision-making practices. Consider adopting techniques to improve donors’ understanding of your message. For example:
By communicating clearly with your donors, omitting jargon, and sharing stories to demonstrate the value of a donor’s investment, you’ll go a long way toward improving your fundraising efforts to build long-term support for your organization and its mission, especially through planned gifts that demand a high degree of donor trust. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. When your client is getting ready to make a contribution to a fund at the Community Foundation or other charity, remind them not to automatically reach for the checkbook! Here are other (and typically more tax-savvy) options to consider.
Marketable Securities Gifts of long-term appreciated stock to a donor-advised or other type of fund at the Community Foundation is always one of the most tax-savvy ways to support favorite charitable causes because capital gains tax can be avoided. Gifts of publicly-traded stock, for example, are easy to transfer to a fund. The Community Foundation team can provide you and your clients with transfer instructions to make the process simple. As is the case with a cash gift, the Community Foundation will provide a receipt for tax purposes, and the gift of stock will be valued at the shares’ fair market value on the date of transfer. When the Community Foundation sells the shares, the proceeds flow into the client’s fund without any reduction for capital gains taxes. This is because the Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and therefore does not pay income tax. That would not have been the case, however, if the client had sold the stock first and then transferred the proceeds to a fund at the Community Foundation; the client would owe capital gains tax on the sale. Especially in cases where the client has held the stock a long time and it’s gone up significantly in value, the capital gains hit can be big. Closely-Held Business Interests The Community Foundation team is happy to work with you and your client to explore how the client might give shares of a closely-held business to a fund at the Community Foundation. Not only will transfers be eligible for a charitable deduction during the year of transfer (and at fair market value if the shares are held for more than one year), but also these gifts could potentially reduce income tax burdens triggered upon a future sale of the business. Be sure to talk with our team well before any potential sale is in the works; otherwise, you could lose out on tax benefits. Gifts of closely-held business interests are powerful but can be tricky to administer. QCDs from IRAs As always, keep in mind that the Qualified Charitable Distribution (“QCD”) is a very smart way to support charitable causes. If your client is over the age of 70 ½, the client can direct up to $105,000 (in 2024) from an IRA to certain charities, including a field-of-interest, designated, unrestricted, or scholarship fund at the Community Foundation. If your client is subject to the rules for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), QCDs count toward those RMDs. That means your client avoids income tax on the funds distributed to charity. Our team can work with you and your client to go over the rules for QCDs and evaluate whether the QCD is a good fit. Real Estate Your client’s fund at the Community Foundation can receive a tax-deductible gift of real estate, such as farmland or commercial property, in a variety of ways. An outright gift is always an option; lifetime gifts of real estate held by the client for more than one year are deductible for income tax purposes at 100% of the fair market value of the property on the date of the gift, which also avoids capital gains tax and reduces the value of your client’s taxable estate. Other ways to give real estate include a bargain sale or a transfer to a charitable remainder trust which produces lifetime income for the client and the client’s family. Life Insurance Don’t overlook life insurance as an effective charitable giving tool, whether by naming a client’s fund at the Community Foundation as the beneficiary or, in the case of whole life policies, naming the fund as beneficiary and transferring the policy itself. If your client transfers a policy, the client may be able to make annual, tax-deductible contributions to the Community Foundation to cover the premiums. Other “Alternative” Assets The Community Foundation is happy to work with you and your clients to explore options for giving other non-cash assets to funds at the Community Foundation, including:
We look forward to working with you to explore all the options! The team at the community foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. As you contemplate your legacy and adjust your estate plan over the years, it's natural to focus on your children and family as the primary beneficiaries in your will and trust. If you’re like an increasing number of charitably-minded individuals, though, you might find that your perspectives about what exactly it means to leave a legacy are expanding beyond your next of kin. Your community is on your mind and in your heart, and you’re interested in ways you can support and improve the quality of life for people in the region we call home.
If you’re intrigued, you are not alone! Indeed, many philanthropic individuals are broadening their estate plan beneficiaries to prominently include their community or favorite cause, right alongside children and grandchildren. The team at the Community Foundation would be honored to discuss the ways we can help. Here are three options for funds you can establish with the Community Foundation to benefit our community in your overall philanthropy and estate plan: Unrestricted fund Major advantages of the Community Foundation include its perpetual structure, community-based governance, and commitment to addressing needs as they change. An unrestricted fund allows you and your family to provide support that evolves over time as priorities in the region shift. The Community Foundation’s mission is to thoroughly understand the community and improve lives within it. The Community Foundation’s board and professional staff conduct ongoing, extensive research about the needs of the community and the nonprofit programs that are addressing those needs. Establishing an unrestricted fund means you are investing in the Community Foundation to support programs that are addressing the community’s most pressing needs as well as needs that can’t be identified until the future. Field-of-interest fund A field of interest fund is an ideal way to target your giving to specific areas of community need (such as education, health, environment, or the arts). Your field of interest fund at the Community Foundation establishes parameters for grant making according to your wishes. The Community Foundation’s staff follows these parameters and uses its research and expertise to make grants that align with your intentions. Your fund can continue beyond your lifetime and for multiple generations, consistently providing grants to support your area of interest according to the terms you established when you first created the fund. Designated fund A designated fund at the Community Foundation can help you secure your favorite organization’s financial future so that its mission continues, uninterrupted, even in the face of challenges. You can set up multiple designated funds if you’d like to support more than one organization. You can even set up a designated fund to support a governmental unit, such as the parks department. A designated fund allows you to decide on the timing of the distributions from the fund, such as during the organization’s capital campaign or to support a specific program or initiative. You can serve as an advisor to the fund to recommend the timing and amount of grants to the supported organization, or you can appoint the board of directors of the Community Foundation to carry out this function according to your wishes. And here’s a bonus! If you plan to give to an unrestricted fund, designated fund, or field-of-interest fund at the Community Foundation during your lifetime, and you’re over the age of 70 1/2, you can direct up to $105,000 each year from your IRA to the fund. This is called a “Qualified Charitable Distribution,” or “QCD.” Not only do QCD transfers count toward satisfying your Required Minimum Distributions if you’ve reached that age threshold, but you also avoid the income tax on those funds. Furthermore, the assets distributed through a QCD are no longer part of your estate upon your death, so you can avoid estate taxes, too. The team at the Community Foundation is honored to serve as a resource and sounding board as you build your charitable plans and pursue your philanthropic objectives for making a difference in the community. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Please consult your tax or legal advisor to learn how this information might apply to your own situation. Getting a jump on a future “to do” list is always such a good feeling. The team at the Community Foundation can help you with your clients’ long-term charitable giving plans by putting in place the structures to receive bequests decades from now.
Consider a case where you’re finalizing an estate plan for a client who would like to leave bequests to multiple charitable organizations, but the identity of those specific organizations may be a moving target over the years because of the client’s evolving level of engagement with various charities as a donor, volunteer, or board member. In other words, this client likely will want to make small changes to the estate plan’s provisions for charitable giving but leave everything else as is. For example, a client’s trust could be drafted to provide that 10% of the remaining estate be divided equally among five charities, which of course could be listed in the trust document. But what if, a few years from now, the client wants to add another charity to that list? Even a small change like this would require an amendment, which can be time-consuming for both attorney and client. Instead, the client’s trust document could name a fund at the Community Foundation as the beneficiary of 10% of the remaining estate. Then, the client can work with the Community Foundation to draft a fund agreement that lists the charities that will share the 10%. When the client wants to add new charities or switch out charities from the list, the client can reach out to the Community Foundation and execute simple documentation of the client’s updated intent for the fund. This process is fast and simple, and it allows clients to ensure that their bequests are in line with ever-changing needs in the community. In some cases, the client may not intend to use the fund during their lifetime. That’s perfectly fine; the Community Foundation can establish a fund to sit dormant and receive assets only after the client passes away. Your client can still name the fund whatever they’d like, and the fund agreement can be modified anytime before the client’s death. Please reach out to the Community Foundation to learn how funds and other planning tools can help your clients achieve their charitable goals both during their lifetimes and beyond. The team at the Community Foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Just as each of your clients has a unique estate plan and financial plan to meet the client’s particular situation and goals, each of your philanthropic clients needs a unique charitable giving plan. For example, for some clients, giving shares of highly-appreciated stock consistently every year to their fund at the Community Foundation makes the most sense for their charitable goals and their mix of assets. For other clients, leaving a bequest to the Community Foundation to support specific areas of interest is the best fit for the client’s financial situation and community priorities.
The Community Foundation offers charitable giving vehicles to meet a wide range of clients’ needs. In many cases, a single client can benefit from setting up multiple funds of different types. Here’s a quick primer on a few of the most popular fund types. Donor-advised Fund A donor-advised fund enables your client to establish a specific account for charitable giving. Your client makes tax-deductible contributions of cash (or, ideally, stock or other highly-appreciated assets) to the fund, and then recommends grants to favorite charities. Unrestricted Fund The Community Foundation has its finger on the pulse of the community’s most pressing issues. An unrestricted fund gives your client the opportunity to support community needs that can’t be identified until the future. One of the biggest benefits of a community foundation is its perpetual structure that allows clients and their families to offer support to nonprofits that evolves over time as priorities in the region shift. Field-of-interest Fund Clients who want to target their giving to specific areas of community need (such as education, health, environment, or the arts) can set up a field-of-interest fund to establish parameters for grant making under the ongoing guidance and expertise of the Community Foundation’s staff. Designated Fund A designated fund allows a client to direct giving to a specific agency or purpose. Over time, the Community Foundation's staff manages the distributions from the fund according to the terms established by your client. Organizational Fund An organizational or agency fund is similar to a designated fund, except in the case of an agency fund, the source of the initial contribution is the beneficiary nonprofit organization itself, not a donor or donors as is the case with a designated fund. If your client serves on boards of directors of charities, they’d likely be interested in learning more about agency funds. Indeed, if you represent nonprofit organizations and their board members in your practice, it’s helpful to keep in mind that organizations frequently establish agency funds at the Community Foundation to set aside endowment reserves or rainy day funds. The team at the Community Foundation is adept at navigating the specific accounting standards that are unique to this type of arrangement. Scholarship Fund Clients can set up funds to support students’ educational pursuits based on the parameters and application requirements they outline with help from the experts at the Community Foundation. Here’s a pro tip: If you represent clients who are age 70 ½ and older, consider recommending a Qualified Charitable Distribution from a client’s IRA to a fund at the Community Foundation. All of the fund types noted above are eligible recipients, with the exception of only the donor-advised fund. We look forward to working together to discover the type of fund (or funds!) at the Community Foundation that could be a good fit for each client’s unique charitable giving needs. The team at the Community Foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Tax time has its silver linings! Going over a tax return with a client helps start a productive conversation about ways to plan gifts to charity more effectively. As you scan 2023’s charitable contributions, talk with the client about whether those charitable gifts were made with cash or with other assets and then steer the conversation toward discussing the most effective assets to give to charity during 2024 and beyond.
Here is a four-point checklist that can help you advise your clients about the range of charitable giving options.
Opening up the full range of charitable giving options for a client can help you structure a holistic estate and financial plan that meets the client’s objectives for family wealth, philanthropy, and tax effectiveness. Reach out anytime to the team at theCommunity Foundation to discuss techniques and strategies. The team at the Community Foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Money, mortality, and family relationships. Each of those topics alone can be tough for anyone to address head on, and when you combine them, it’s no wonder so many people put off setting up or updating their estate plans. Establishing a will, trust, and beneficiary designations forces a person to confront decisions about the ultimate division of their assets, and many people think estate planning is more expensive or more of a hassle than it really is.
But, getting your affairs in order–well before you need to due to age or illness–is truly a gift to your heirs. It’s extremely stressful for surviving spouses, children, and other loved ones to be faced with the emotional stress and workload of financial disorganization and uncertainty, on top of dealing with grief. Updating your estate plan also allows you to make arrangements for gifts upon your death to your favorite charities. Many people choose to support their favorite charities in an estate plan through a beneficiary designation. As you work with your attorney and other advisors, be sure to review the beneficiary designations on your insurance policies and retirement plans. Pay close attention to tax-deferred retirement plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs. Typically, you’ll name your spouse as the primary beneficiary of these accounts to provide income following your death and to comply with legal requirements. But as you and your advisors evaluate whom to name as a secondary beneficiary of these tax-deferred accounts, don’t automatically default to naming your children or your revocable trust. You and your advisors may determine that naming a charity, such as your fund at the Community Foundation, is by far the most tax-efficient, streamlined way to make gifts to your favorite causes upon your death and establish a philanthropic legacy. A bequest like this avoids not only estate tax, but also income tax on the retirement plan distributions. Please reach out to the team at the Community Foundation as you work with your advisors on your estate plan. We can:
We’ve all heard stories about the sad consequences of someone not having an estate plan, or even having out-of-date beneficiary designations. Estate planning documents, including wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations, often turn out to represent generous acts of clear distribution and conflict avoidance. An estate plan allows you to demonstrate how much you care about the people in your life as well as your charitable passions. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Many donors and fund holders at the Community Foundation have updated their estate plans to leave a bequest to their donor-advised or other type of fund.
Some bequests take the form of a “specific bequest,” which means that the fund at the Community Foundation receives a specific amount of money from the donor’s probate estate or trust. For example, for a specific bequest, your advisor might include a provision in your will as follows: I bequeath $15,000 to The Community Foundation (taxpayer ID number and/or mailing address), a tax exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), to be added to the [Name of Your Fund], a component fund of The Community Foundation, and I direct that this bequest become part of the Fund. In these situations the Community Foundation will be ready to receive your bequest, typically as soon as the estate is settled. In other situations, you may want to leave a bequest of a portion of the remainder of your estate after all specific bequests, expenses, and taxes have been paid. These types of bequests are called “residuary” bequests. The language can look something like this: I leave all the rest and residue of my property, both real and personal, of whatever nature and wherever situated, and assets, including all real and personal property, tangible or intangible, to The Community Foundation (taxpayer ID number and/or mailing address), a tax exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), to be added to the [Name of Your Fund], a component fund of The Community Foundation, and I direct that this bequest become part of the Fund. Because the amount of a residuary bequest cannot be determined until all of the assets in an estate have been identified and valued, and all expenses and taxes have been paid, the designated charity (in this example, your fund at the Community Foundation) will not receive the full amount of a residuary bequest until the estate is completely settled. Typically, however, the estate’s personal representative or trustee will make what is known as a “partial distribution” to the residuary beneficiary (or beneficiaries as the case may be), as soon as the personal representative has enough information about the assets and liabilities to confidently do so. When you leave a residuary bequest to your fund at the Community Foundation, our team will be involved at various steps during the administration of your estate until final distribution. For example, the Community Foundation will receive regular communications about the estate related to assets, expenses, taxes, and periodic accountings. The Community Foundation will execute documents, such as receipts, related to distributions and other estate transactions. The team at the Community Foundation looks forward to working with you and your advisors to establish bequests to fulfill your charitable legacies. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. February – and early in the year in general – is a good time to make sure your plans are in place to grow your endowment. As you and your team work together to reach out to donors this month, consider the ways your endowment fundraising communications help you build the long-term relationships with donors that ultimately result in both current and planned gifts to your endowment fund at the Community Foundation.
Valentine’s Day itself is an opportunity to truly reflect on “long term” commitments. Endowments, of course, are intended to last in perpetuity... and the earliest valentines go back to the 1400s when an imprisoned medieval duke sent one to his wife. That brings new meaning to “standing the test of time!” Formalizing your organization’s endowment, especially through establishing an endowment fund at the Community Foundation, helps your organization attract donors’ investable gifts that can produce sustainable returns while the principal or endowed amount remains intact. This quarter, make it a priority to remind your donors about the various ways they can give to your endowment fund at the Community Foundation:
As always, the Community Foundation is here to assist with any type of gift to your endowment fund, whether the gift is simple or complex. Like relationships in your life, endowments need nurturing, and not just during Valentine’s Day month! The team at the Community Foundation welcomes the opportunity to help your endowment thrive in perpetuity. This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. Whatever their age or health status, most people are aware that they need to document important financial and personal information for loved ones, just in case the unexpected occurs. We’ve all heard stories about someone’s family member who passed away and left little, if any, information about where to find bank accounts, passwords, estate planning documents, life insurance policies, and other information. No one wants to leave their loved ones in the lurch with scant information, but it’s often hard to get motivated to write it all down in one place.
The start of a new year is an excellent time to get organized and provide your next of kin or key advisors with the information they’d need to take care of your affairs if something were to happen to you. The list of “must haves” includes the obvious: Will, trust, power of attorney, birth certificate and marriage license, titles to cars and boats, deeds to property, car keys, bank accounts, investments and advisor contact information, life insurance policies and contact information for the agent, funeral wishes, and, critically, passcodes and passwords to devices and accounts. As you’ve chatted over the years with the professionals working at your favorite nonprofits, you’ve likely heard the term “planned giving.” You may have even wondered what the term means–even if you have already structured so-called “planned gifts” to support your favorite charities!
Here are a few pointers to help break down the concept of planned giving, along with ways the Community Foundation can help you achieve your charitable goals. It may help to think of “planned giving” in contrast to what’s sometimes called “current” or “annual” giving. For example, when you write a check (or, ideally, give highly-appreciated stock) to a charitable organization such as your fund at the community foundation, you’re transferring those funds right away in a relatively straightforward manner. You also may be making annual gifts to several charities, and from time to time you may also make gifts to a favorite charity’s endowment or reserve fund at the Community Foundation. The gifts Americans give to charity every year provide critical support for more than a million organizations that are helping sustain the quality of life in our communities. Philanthropy equates to 2% of GDP–that’s a little more than the home health care services sector! And, trust is growing as a must-have prerequisite before your clients decide to give to an organization, increasing from 63.9% to 69.9%between December 2021 and December 2022.
If you’re not talking about charitable giving with your high net-worth clients, 2024 is the year to start doing it! Recent studies show that 85.1% of affluent households give to charity. Certainly many of your clients are among them.
Take a few minutes this month to scan your client list for three common scenarios and related opportunities for charitable giving solutions. A new year ushers in a fresh batch of resolutions and goals. It’s also a time when new questions pop onto the radar. That’s certainly the case even in these early days of 2024. Here are a few of the top questions we’re already hearing from our nonprofit partners, along with answers to help you navigate the year ahead.
More often than not, boards of directors of nonprofit organizations are made up of business and community leaders who are not typically embedded in the day-to-day operations of charitable organizations. That’s why it’s important to focus on continuous learning opportunities for your board members, including (and especially) board members’ roles in maintaining your organization’s financial stability.
An endowment is a key component of achieving that financial stability, and, if your organization has established its endowment or reserve fund at the community foundation, you’re likely in close touch with the team at the community foundation about keeping your board members informed about endowment-building strategies and successes. We are happy to help! Millennials and Generation Z are already focused on retirement, and 30% of them are setting their sights on becoming millionaires to achieve their goals. What this means for you and other charitable organizations is that it’s likely a smart move to expand your planned giving outreach strategies to include younger donors, as well as the traditional audience of generations who are retired or approaching retirement. Indeed, many of your younger donors are increasingly becoming investment savvy and will understand the value of planning ahead.
Because younger generations are often motivated to give online and inspired by social media, your planned giving strategies should be tailored accordingly. Many planned giving techniques are complex, which is understandable considering the various legal and tax considerations that factor into structuring a bequest, charitable remainder trust, or beneficiary designation of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. Try to do whatever you can, though, to keep your language and promotional materials simple to match the preferences of this audience and the channels where they receive information. |