February 2025
The City of Grand Forks Arts Regrant Program provides funding to nonprofit arts- and/or culture-based organizations in the City of Grand Forks that facilitate the creation of art for the benefit of the public. Funds are provided by the City of Grand Forks and administered by the Community Foundation through a competitive grant cycle held in February and March of each year.
2020 IMPACT AWARDS A new opportunity for 2020, the Impact Award is presented to one or more organizations that have gone above and beyond in capacity-building, accelerating partnerships, supporting local artists, and/or employing new or innovative methods within the field. No applications were accepted for the award. Recipients were chosen from among the 2020 Arts Regrant applicants. With the disruptive nature of the current COVID-19 situation, the 2020 Impact Award highlights two nonprofits that are responding and adapting in new and experimental ways to engage residents of our community. $1,000 - Northern Valley Youth Orchestra for "Music in Bloom": The program was selected as it employed a unique and innovative way to connect young musicians and music enthusiasts in a virtual environment during the uncertain and isolating experiences that our community is now facing. $500 - North Dakota Museum of Art for "Art in Isolation": The program was selected as it is engaging patrons through art and creativity while practicing social distancing. Comments are closed.